Saturday 3 September 2011

Colourful ocean strategies to AEC

AEC stands for ASEAN economics cooperation. AEC will be officially launched in 2015. Its estimated market size is 570 millions. AEC is a cooperation zone fo the free zone for trade, culture, society and knowledge. This will enhance more opportunities for free flow of resources in the ASEAN. The seminar, colourful ocean strategies to AEC for SMEs was hosted by TASME. Four ocean strategies have been the subjects of discussions: red ocean, blue ocean, green ocean and white ocean. As red and blue oceans, Chan Kim and Renee Maubourge have introduced on their book. To recap, companies need to search for untapped market and identify 'value innovation' opportunities. The value innovation is the balance between cost value and innovation. The term 'ocean' is used to suggested way of running business. Arguably, businesses have to implement colourful strategy when they are running business. Red ocean strategy is focused on cost reduction or differentiation. Blue ocean strategy creates new alternatives. Green ocean is dealing with ecology and self sufficiency. Finally, White ocean strategy is focusing on social responsibility and ethics. These colourful ocean strategies inevitably become a bottom line of AEC business. It is estimated that when the ASEAN+3 and ASEAN+6 are successfully unioned. ASIA will become a new world power with the total size around 3 billion population. It is very difficult to imagine how ASIA will look like!

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